• A margin call will be sent to trading accounts with Banyan Grow immediately upon the fulfillment of the following requirements. Its important to keep in mind that prudent risk management and the placement of stops reduce the need for a margin call on a traders account. We strongly advise all of our traders and clients to closely adhere to the margin requirements when trading.
  • At all times, the client must maintain the Minimum Margin Requirements on Open Positions.
  • The necessary margin could change at any time. If there are any anticipated changes, Banyan Grow will try its best to let the client know about them by email and the trading platforms messaging system.
  • A margin call will be made if the total equity ever approaches or falls below 100% of the Used Margin. Banyan Grow will choose positions based on the best execution pricing available at the time.
  • Banyan Grow will cancel all open positions and pending orders in a customers account if the total equity ever approaches or falls below 50% of the used margin. Positions will be closed in line with the best execution pricing available at the moment from XCTrader.
  • All open positions on fully hedged accounts will be promptly closed at market prices if the accounts equity falls to zero or approaches that level. This policy is applicable to every platform we offer.
  • Stop loss orders are placed by the client with the goal of minimizing losses.



How it works


Risk Disclaimer

Due to the high risk of losing money, trading leveraged products like Forex and derivatives may not be suitable for all investors.Please ensure that you fully understand the risks involved before trading, taking into account your investment goals and level of experience, and obtain professional advice if necessary.

Our website provides links and a re- direction section to provide the best possible assistance. As a company, we do not endorse or recommend any products or services. This websites content is intended solely for educational purposes.